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To be a World Class, Professionally Accredited Training Body


The development of industry relevant, skilled manpower via the latest technologies for the continued advancement of the country


Overtime, FMSDC continue to push the agenda of producing human capital that is equipped with the right skills, knowledge and competent via TVET programs to meet the demand of industry in northern, southern and east coast of Peninsula Malaysia as well as East Malaysia (Sabah & Sarawak). This aligns with the government's focus on transforming TVET to meet industry demands and increasing TVET-related job opportunities. FMSDC aims to produce skilled workers across the country to support economic growth, productivity, knowledge-intensive activities, and attract investment. Their short and certified programs can help resolve workforce mismatches and benefit young Malaysians, especially from the B40 group.


FMSDC has formed relationships with prominent educational institutions and governments worldwide to acquire and disseminate knowledge as part of its objective to establish international linkages.

FMSDC's industry-driven philosophy prioritizes meeting the needs of the country and specific industry sectors, emphasizing practicality, relevance, and positive impact in all its initiatives.

FMSDC's skill centres offer courses that provide certification recognition, which can improve job and career opportunities.

FMSDC manages "place and train" programs like the Malaysian Meister Program, providing specialized, industry-specific technical competencies through TVET qualifications to enhance graduates' employment prospects.

FMSDC can promptly translate industry standards into learning courses and produce graduates within a short period. Their programs are regularly reviewed by industry experts to keep up with technological advancements like Industry 4.0.

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